Upcoming Events

These events are listed for your convenience and not necessarily supported by DOE/NNSA.

2024 Events

Check out DOE’s calendar of upcoming STEM conferences, application deadlines for scholarships, fellowships, competitions, and more:  Upcoming Events & Deadlines | Department of Energy


July 2024

7/21 – 7/26/2024 https://indico.fnal.gov/event/59618/, Naperville, IL; registration opens 1/16/2024
7/21 – 7/25/2024 https://www.ans.org/meetings/tofe2024/, Madison, WI

September 2024

9/8 – 9/13/2024 https://hvis2024japan.jp/, Tsukuba, Japan
9/23 – 9/27/2024 https://ncpst.ie/ncspt-to-host-soft-conference-2024-advancing-the-study-of-fusion-technology/, Dublin, Ireland

October 2024

10/7 – 10/11/2024 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Memphis, TN